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The sensitive skin syndrome as a manifestation of a sensitive personality at a biological level is considered. The research is based on the four-level structure of an individual (biological, psychological, social and spiritual). The results of the study based on the data from the questionnaire of temperament accentuation provided by patients with sensitive skin syndrome (based on the concept of accented personalities by K. Leonhard) are presented. The factor analysis of the obtained data for 107 patients with sensitive skin syndrome in contrast to 30 people with normal skin showed increased indicators on the scales of “sensitivity” (0.82), “timidity” (0.78), “neuroticism” (0.76), “emotional lability” (0.7). As well as the absence of an increase in the scales of “hypertimacy” (-0.7), “social activity” (-0.8) and “vigor” (-0.7) was noted. Three factors (“sensitivity”, “neuroticism” and “social passivity”), reflecting the combination of temperament accentuation and global character features of these individuals, were distinguished. Data for people with normal skin, in contrast to people with sensitive skin, demonstrate an increase in the scales of “social activity” (0.9) and “vigor” (0.78). At the same time, there is no increase in the scales of “timidity” (-0.78) and “emotional lability” (-0.8). As a result, two factors were distinguished (“social activity” and “emotional balance”). Thus, both psychological and somatic aspects were significant in sensitive skin syndrome diagnostics. Individual personal traits and the emotional state are closely connected with the skin condition, which requires complex treatment and timely psychotherapeutic help for patients with sensitive skin syndrome.

About the authors

Natalya N. Nikolayeva

Department of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology of Irkutsk State Medical University

MD, PhD, assistant professor of Department of Dermatovenereology and cosmetology of Irkutsk State Medical University, Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation


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