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Scleroatrophic lichen (SL) - chronic autoimmune dermatosis, is one of the clinical variants of limited scleroderma, characterized by multifactorial genesis of development against the background of immunological changes, vascular and metabolic disorders in the connective tissue, which is characterized by severe focal atrophy of the skin and mucous membranes of the external genitals. SL is a debilitating disease causing itching, pain, dysuria and impaired urination, dyspareunia and significant sexual dysfunction in women and men. This article presents a review of current literature data on the etiology and pathogenesis, clinical picture, classification, differential diagnosis of the disease, as well as methods of treatment of patients. This review is based on the analysis of 64 articles, which were obtained from eLibrary, PubMed, NCBI, Embase.

About the authors

Yulia Aleksandrovna Semenchak

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)

Department of Dermatology and Venereology Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation


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