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Introduction. Mesotherapy is a widely used method of preventing external signs of aging in cosmetology. However, drugs that have proven effectiveness are not enough, therefore epiphyseal peptides are of great interest. Purpose: is to study the effect of intradermal administration of peptide epiphysis on the functional para-meters of the skin. Material and methods. There were 38 women in the research devided into 2 comparable groups. The main group (26 persons) was treated by mesotherapy with epiphyseal peptides. Face, neck and decollete zones were treated by the method of “deep nappage” once a week, 5 procedures per course. Isotonic solution of NaCl was similarly injected into the neck and decollete areas of the control group (12 people). The moisture content (Corneometer CM 825, “Courage & Khazaka”, Germany) and the elasticity (Cutometer MPA 580, “Courage & Khazaka”, Germany) of the skin were determined. Functional skin parameters were evaluated before and after treatment (in both groups) and also on the 1st and 6th months after mesotherapy in the main group. Results. Under the influence of epiphysis peptides the moisture content of the skin increases by 10% after treatment (in the control group without changes) and after 1 month, then decreases by 5% in 6 months below the initial values. In the main group R0 and R8 parameters increase immediately after treatment by 21% and 20% (in the control group R0 and R8 decrease by 4-6%), then decrease by 6-7% and by 28%. The R4 parameter increases immediately after treatment by 20-25% (in the control group it decreases by 13%), then decreases by 12% and 24%; F0 and F1 parameteres increase immediately after treatment by 17% and 22% (in the control group they decrease by 4% and 3%), then decrease by 11% and 9%, by 25% and 28%. Conclusion. The revealed dynamics of skin functional indexes may support the stimulating effect of peptide epiphysis on the cellular elements of the dermis (activation of metabolic processes after treatment and improvement of elasticity parameters by 25-28% after 6 months). Mesotherapy with epiphyseal peptides can be recommended as a method of prevention and correction of age-related skin changes.

About the authors

Tatiyana N. Korolkova

I.I. Mechnikov North-West State Medical University

MD, PhD, DSc., professor, Head of the Department of Cosmetology of North-West State Medical University n.a. I.I. Mechnikov, St.Petersburg, 194291, Russian Federation St.Petersburg, 191015, Russian Federation

S. E Goma

I.I. Mechnikov North-West State Medical University

St.Petersburg, 191015, Russian Federation


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