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To date one of the most discussed problems in the context of psoriasis is the possibility of correlation between the psoriatic process, considering its systemic nature, and the risk of cancer developing. Such interrelation can be caused both by systemic chronic inflammatory process and by methods of therapy. The purpose of this literature review is to assess the risk of developing malignant neoplasms of various organs and systems, as well as the factors that determine it, in patients with psoriasis in comparison with the general population. The mechanisms of action as well as early and remote side effects of the current treatment are described. The literature data on the risk of their carcinogenic effects are presented. The results of studies of a number of other factors acting as possible initiators of carcinogenesis in patients with psoriasis are highlighted, among them: the presence of a systemic inflammatory reaction, the severity and duration of the course of the disease, and also the comorbid states.

About the authors

A. V Osina

Central State Medical Academy Management of Affairs of the President Russian Federation

Moscow, 121359, Russian Federation

E. S Ponich

Central State Medical Academy Management of Affairs of the President Russian Federation

Moscow, 121359, Russian Federation

Larisa S. Kruglova

Central State Medical Academy Management of Affairs of the President Russian Federation

MD, PhD, professor, Central State Medical Academy Management of Affairs of the President Russian Federation, Moscow, 121359, Russian Federation. Moscow, 121359, Russian Federation


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