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The skin repair process with the method of redermalization after atopic dermatitis complicated by streptodermia is described. The analysis of domestic and foreign literature on the validity of redermalization use in the programs of patients recovery after the transferred dermatoses is given. The main mechanisms of appearance of pathological skin changes during the reconvalescence of atopic dermatitis are described and pathogenetic substantiation of the possibility of their correction with the help of redermalization is given. Control of skin changes at the structural level was carried out with confocal scanning laser microscopy (KSLM) to evaluate the efficacy of atopic dermatitis therapy during the reconvalescence with redermalization method.

About the authors

Anastasia S. Romashkina

Medical Сentre AVROMED

MD, PhD, aesthetic doctor, dermatovenereologist, dermatooncologist, physiotherapist, chief physician of Medical centre AVROMED, Moscow, 121596, Russian Federation. Moscow, 121596, Russian Federation

E. S Snarskaya

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)

Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation

S. B Tkachenko

ussian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education

Moscow, 125993, Russian Federation

A. S Allenova

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)

Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation


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