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Authors observed 18 patients with cutaneous B-cell lymphomas (B-CLS): primary cutaneous follicle center lymphoma (PCFCL) (44,45%), primary diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (B-CLL) (44,45%), cutaneous marginal zone B-cell lymphoma (CMZL) (11,1%). Features of cutaneous marginal zone B-cell lymphoma are: appearance of multiple spots; identification of diagnosis in stages T2aN0M0; treatment - excision or laser destruction; frequent recurrence do not affect prognosis. Features of primary cutaneous follicle center lymphoma are: appearance of single node; identification of diagnosis in stages T1aN0M0 and T2aN0M0; treatment - excision, can be also combined with radiotherapy. Features of primary diffuse B-CLL are: appearance of multiple spots; identification of diagnosis in stages T3bN0M0, T1aN1M0 and T2bN2M0; disease is aggressive; treatment is a local radiotherapy, interferon alpha intralesional, chemotherapy according to schemes CHOP, COP and R-CHOP, photodynamic therapy is possible.

About the authors

I. A Lamotkin

Main Military Clinical Hospital n.a. N.N. Burdenko

MD, PhD, Main Military Clinical Hospital n.a. N.N. Burdenko, Moscow, 105229, Russian Federation Moscow, 105229, Russian Federation

A. O Rukavitsyn

Military Medical Academy n.a. S.M. Kirov

St.Petersburg, 194044, Russian Federation

V. V Gladko

Department of skin and venereal diseases with the course of cosmetology Institute of medical and social technologies of Moscow State University of food production

Moscow, 125080, Russian Federation

G. N Tarasenko

Department of skin and venereal diseases with the course of cosmetology Institute of medical and social technologies of Moscow State University of food production; Central Military Clinical Hospital n.a. A.A. Vishnevsky

Moscow, 125080, Russian Federation; Krasnogorsk, 143003, Moscow region, Russian Federation

V. N Volgin

Main Military Clinical Hospital n.a. N.N. Burdenko

Moscow, 105229, Russian Federation

Yu. G Tarasenko

Clinical and Diagnostic Center “MEDSI on Krasnaya Presnya”

Moscow, 123242, Russian Federation


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