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According statistics, fillers occupy a leading position among non-surgical procedures. Despite their diversity in Russia, the evidence base for the treatment of age-related changes in the skin according to number of clinical and instrumental methods in the diagnostic is not enough. The combination of hyaluronic acid (HA) injections with fillers is pathogenetically justified. Therefore the search for scientifically based protocols for the correction of skin ageing is an actual trend in cosmetology and dermatology. Purpose. To assess the safety and effectiveness of correction of involuntary changes in face and neck skin with drugs based on stabilized hyaluronic acid. Material and methods. 35 women aged 30-65 years were enrolled into two groups by simple randomization. Group I received monotherapy with HA fillers, patients of group II - complex rejuvenation therapy for face and neck: fillers and course of vitalization stabilized HA. The efficasy was assessed according to the Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale (GAIS) on the 1st(M01), 2nd (M02), 3rd (M3), 6th (M06) month of complex therapy instrumental methods (cutometry, corneometry). Safety was assessed during 12 months of follow-up and ultrasound examination of the facial soft tissues. Results. The safety and efficacy injections of stabilized HA have been clinically confirmed. The advantages of complex therapy of fillers and the course of vitalization are shown

About the authors

Gulya Sh. Zakirova

Institute of Medical and Social Technologies Moscow State University of Food Production

Email: gulya-zakirova@mail.ru
graduate student Department of skin and venereal diseases with the course of cosmetology the Institute of Medical and Social Technologies Moscow State University of Food Production, Moscow, 125080, Russian Federation Moscow, 125080, Russian Federation

E. I Gubanova

Institute of Medical and Social Technologies Moscow State University of Food Production

Moscow, 125080, Russian Federation

V. V Gladko

Institute of Medical and Social Technologies Moscow State University of Food Production

Moscow, 125080, Russian Federation

A. A Vavilova

Institute of Medical and Social Technologies Moscow State University of Food Production

Moscow, 125080, Russian Federation

I. V Ilina

Institute of Medical and Social Technologies Moscow State University of Food Production

Moscow, 125080, Russian Federation


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