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The review of literature and clinical case of an acrokeratoelastoidosis Costa as rare form of a focal keratodermiya is presented in article. This dermatosis is characterized by symmetric hyperkeratical papular eruptions, settling down mainly on the lateral surfaces of palms and soles. Acrokeratoelastoidosis it is necessary to differentiate both with hereditary limited keratodermiya, and with a widespread infectious skin disease - viral warts that is important at inspection on medical examinations of persons the decreed groups. The patient sent from preliminary medical examination at employment to preschool institution at whom originally rashes have been taken for display of multiple palmar and plantar viral warts is described.

About the authors

M. A Ufimtseva

Ural State Medical University

MD, PhD, DSc, docent, head of Department of skin and venereal diseases Ural State Medical University, Ekaterinburg, 620028, Russian Federation Ekaterinburg, 620028, Russian Federation

Yu. M Bochkarev

Ural State Medical University

Ekaterinburg, 620028, Russian Federation

K. I Nikolaeva

Ural State Medical University

Ekaterinburg, 620028, Russian Federation

S. A Akulova

Ural State Medical University

Ekaterinburg, 620028, Russian Federation


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