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Herpes zoster (HZ) is one of the common viral skin disease with typical clinical picture and well known etiology and pathogenesis. Epidemiological and clinical peculiarities and differences of herpes zoster in different ethnic groups and geographical regions still present a field of special interest. The aim of this work was to investigate clinically HZ in Tajikistan republic. The male predominance (57.8% and 42.2%) was found as well as the higher level of the disease in urban aeries comparing to rural ones (66.7% and 33.3%). The most frequent clinical forms of HZ in Tajik population were erythematose and vesicular (63.3%), hemorrhagic (21.1%) and bullouse form (15.6%). Conclusion: the high level of severe hemorrhagic and bullouse forms of HZ and the disease predominance among urban population are characteristic for patients in Tajik Republic.

About the authors

M. S Isaeva

Tajik State Medical University n.a. Abuali ibni Sino

Dushanbe, 734003, Tajik Republic

Munira T. Mirzoeva

State Medical Center of Executive Commity of the President of Tajik Republic

MD, PhD, dermatologist Dushanbe, 734003, Tajik Republic

O. Yu Olisova

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation

N. G Kochergin

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2018 Eco-Vector


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