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The study of foreign researchers on glycation mechanisms and the effect of this non-enzymatic reaction on photodamaged skin are presented. The final products of enhanced glycation - AGEs and their pathogenetic role in skin aging are described. AGEs inhibiting substances, focusing on the prevention of the glycation process, are described.

About the authors

Ada A. Vavilova

Institute of Medical and Social Technologies of the Moscow State University of Food Production

postgraduate at the Department of skin and venereal diseases with the course of cosmetology of the Institute of Medical and Social Technologies of the Moscow State University of Food Production, Moscow, 125080, Russian Federation Moscow, 125080, Russian Federation

E. I Gubanova

Institute of Medical and Social Technologies of the Moscow State University of Food Production

Moscow, 125080, Russian Federation

V. V Gladko

Institute of Medical and Social Technologies of the Moscow State University of Food Production

Moscow, 125080, Russian Federation


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