Pyogenic granulema in dermatologist practice

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Cases of pyogenic granulema on hand and face of child which have arisen after small traumas are presented. Patients complained about tumor formations easily bleeding at an insignificant trauma. In one case histologic examination confirmed the diagnosis. Electrocoagulation of the tumor was performed. No complications were detected. Disease recurrence was observed. Dermatologists should carry out differential diagnostics with tumor formations (nodular melanoma, sarcoma of Kaposhi and others).

About the authors

Grigoriy N. Tarasenko

3 Central military clinical hospital n.a. A.A. Vishnevskogo; Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education

MD, PhD, docent, 3 Central military clinical hospital n.a. A.A. Vishnevskiy Ministry of Defence of Russian Federation; Chair of dermatovenerology and cosmetology Krasnogorsk, 143003, Russian Federation

Y. G Tarasenko

Clinical and Diagnostic Center “MEDSI on Red Presne”

Moscow, 123242, Russian Federation

A. V Bekoeva

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education

Chair of dermatovenerology and cosmetology Moscow, 107076, Russian Federation

Oksana Protiuc

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education

Chair of dermatovenerology and cosmetology Moscow, 107076, Russian Federation


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