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Clinical case of patient with rashes on mucous membrane of oral cavity with severe pain, edema, redness, deformation of eyelids on both eyes and decreased visual acuity is presented. After examination by several specialists (dentist, ophthalmologist and dermatologist) cicatricial pemphigoid with primary lesion of eyes was diagnosed. Authors point out doctors on danger of serious complications of this disease, which demand active involvement of doctors of other specialties.

About the authors

Grigoriy N. Tarasenko

3 Central Military Hospital of A.A. Vishnevsky; Institute of Medical Social Technologies Moscow State University of Food Production

MD, PhD, docent, 3 Central Military Hospital of A.A. Vishnevsky, Krasnogorsk, 143003, Russian Federation Krasnogorsk, 143003, Russian Federation; Moscow, 125080, Russian Federation

V. V Gladko

Institute of Medical Social Technologies Moscow State University of Food Production

Moscow, 125080, Russian Federation

A. N Sysoeva

Clinic of 3 Central Military Hospital of A.A. Vishnevsky

Nakhabino, 143433, Russian Federation

O. S Sviderskaya

Institute of Medical Social Technologies Moscow State University of Food Production

Moscow, 125080, Russian Federation

Yu. V Kuzmina

3 Central Military Hospital of A.A. Vishnevsky

Krasnogorsk, 143003, Russian Federation

A. N Tokmakova

Eye Microsurgery n.a. acad. S.N. Fedorov

Moscow , 127486, Russian Federation


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