Podvisotskaya O.N. the first academician dermatologist since the moment of establishment of the AMS USSR

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Olga Nikolaevna Podvisotskaya (1884-1958) made her way up from the laboratory assistant at the Clinic of Dermal and Venereal Diseases at the St. Petersburg Women’s Medical Institute to the first dermatologist academician at the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR. She is one of the leaders of the domestic dermatology of the mid 20th century and the creator of a new school of dermatology, based on pathophysiological researches. O.N. Podvisotskaya is the author of fascinating researches on blastomycosis, chromoblastomycosis, epidermophytia (acute trichophytia of Podvisotskaya), onychomycosis, tuberculosis. She is known as the founder of the Leningrad Lupus Sanatorium. At this time the process of formation of the Academy of Medical Sciences as a standalone structure, designed to put together the practical and theoretical sciences in the country has been evolving. One of the complex phases in this process was the foundation of All Union Institute of Experimental Medicine (AUIEM) and its further reorganisational changes. O.N. Podvisotskaya was taking most active part in the activities of the AUIEM and later - at the AMS after becoming the academician, since the moment of foundation of the Academy of Medical Sciences in 1944.

About the authors

A. A Stochik

National Institute of Scientific Researches of public health n.a. N.A. Semashko

Email: medpublish@mail.ru
MD, PhD, the leading scientific researcher of National Institute of Scientific Researches of public health n.a. N.A. Semashko Moscow, 105069, Russian Federation

S. S Kryazheva

National Institute of Scientific Researches of public health n.a. N.A. Semashko

Moscow, 105069, Russian Federation


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