Rationale for the treatment of dermatoses algorithm based on patient questionnaires

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The interest in questionnaire methods in medicine is driven by the desire to find approaches to the assessment of the patient’s condition, allowing you to get the comprehensive view about the patient's attitude to prescribed therapy. Goal. To study the trust ofpatients with cutaneous pathology in the various methods and means of therapy depending on disease duration. Materials and methods. The study involved patients with different time course of dermatosis (less than 1 month; from 2 to 6 months from 6 to 24 months more than 24 months) divided into groups of 50 people each and 65 healthy people. All respondents voluntarily completed the questionnaire including questions about the credibility of therapeutic agents that are not drugs, and consent to use traditional and non-traditional methods and means of treatment. Results. The questionnaire found that if the dermatosis exists more than 1 month, then 100% of patients agree to use any means of treatment. A positive attitude to alternative methods of treatment increases over time of the disease, where the rank coefficient of correlation shows a direct correlation. Critical point of the flow of dermatoses, causing patients to look for any alternative methods of treatment is the period of time from 2 to 6 months. The level of patient's confidence to medication has remained consistently high and does not depend on the stages of the disease. Conclusion. Questionnaire method is simple and informative, it allows us to evaluate the patients opinion about the therapy and acceptable to develop algorithm of treatment of dermatological patients.

About the authors

Andrey V. Vislobokov

Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev

Email: visl57@yandex.ru
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of Department of skin venereal diseases of Medical Institute 302026, Orel, Russia

R. A Khmelnitsky

Kursk state university

305000, Kursk, Russia


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