Infantile hemangioma: current classification, clinical picture and effective methods of therapy

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Review of the literature devoted to one of the most common tumors of childhood - hemangioma is presented. Literature search was performed using the NCBI, including PubMed, PubMed Health, and The Cochrane Library databases. Infantile hemangioma is a neoplastic proliferation of endothelial cells, which is characterized by different phases of development: proliferation and spontaneous involution. The types of infantile hemangiomas, variants of the course and possible complications such as ulceration, functional disorders, and the formation of cosmetic defects are described. Incidence associated with infantile hemangioma syndrome is presented. The current views on the pathogenesis of infantile hemangiomas are described. Information about the best methods of diagnostic imaging, as well as medical and surgical therapies, including systemic and topical therapy with β-blockers, corticosteroids and use of lasers are described.

About the authors

Oleg V. Sheptiy

Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology

MD, PhD, Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology Moscow, 105066, Russian Federation

L. S Kruglova

Moscow Scientific and Practical Center of Dermatology, Venereology and Cosmetology, Department of Health

Moscow, 107564, Russian Federation


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