Immunogistokhimicheskie osobennosti ochagov atrofodermii Pazini-P'erini

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Markers, such as CD3, CD8, CD20, CD79α, CD68, CD1α, CD34, CD105, αSMA, vimentin, eNOS, Ki67, collagen IV, bcl2, and caspase 3, were studied to reveal the immunohistochemical features of the derma and epidermis in atrophoderma of Pasini-Pierini. In the latter, inflammatory changes as dermal infiltration mainly by CD20+ and CD68+ cells were found to be followed by fibrous rearrangements. The latter (if judged from the dermal dendrocytes (elevated levels of αSMA+ and vimentin-positive dendrocytes and decreased CD34+ cell counts), their ability to synthesize endoglin, lower eNOS levels, and higher caspase 3 concentrations) have common mechanisms with those in scleroderma and lichen scleroatrophicus.

About the authors

K V Romanenko

Донецкий национальный медицинский университет им. М. Горького

канд. мед. наук, доц; Донецкий национальный медицинский университет им. М. Горького


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