Functional diagnosis of the skin and evaluation of methods for therapy of gynoid lipodystrophy

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Gynoid lipodystrophy (GLD) is found in the overwhelming majority of women aged over 35. The efficiency of numerous methods used in its treatment is evaluated mainly by clinical methods. We evaluate the time course of skin functions in order to validate the therapeutic effects of systemic enzyme therapy (SET) and its combinations with vibrovacuum therapy (VVT) in patients with GLD of different severity. A total of 122 patients with GLD were observed in 2008-2014, which were divided into three groups, receiving SET, VVT, and SET+VVT. Each group was divided into two subgroups with GLD of different severity : degree 1-2 (A) and degree III-IV (B). Subgroup A patients received SET in tablets - 5 x 3 daily during 1 month, subgroup B patients received the drug in a dose of 7 x 3 daily during 1 month. Vibrovacuum therapy (vacuum applicator resolution 50-60 kPa, frequency 30-50 Hz) was administered by 2-3 weekly sessions for 30 min, 10 sessions per course. Water content, acid base balance, erythema and pigmentation degree, and mechanical functions of the skin (according to elastometry) were evaluated. Enzyme therapy was in fact inessential for the skin function parameters, VVT was effective in subgroup A, while VVT+SET proved to be the most effective, particularly in subgroup B.

About the authors

Tatiyana N. Korolkova

N.I. Metchnikov North-Western State Medical University

MD, PhD, DSc, prof. 194291, St. Petersburg, Russia

A. V Sogomonyan

N.I. Metchnikov North-Western State Medical University

врач-дерматовенеролог, косметолог 194291, St. Petersburg, Russia


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