Cellulitis vs cellulite

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Cellulitis is an acute infection of soft subcutaneous tissues, characterized by diffuse serous inflammation with hyperemia, edema, and local pain. The place of cellulitis among infections of the skin and subcutaneous fat is defined. In Russian literature the use of this nosological term to denote the so-called “cellulite” (gynoid lipodystrophy) - a cosmetic problem - is erroneous. Based on analysis of 59 publications (the majority from PubMed), the author presents the clinical characteristics and differential diagnostic critaria of cellulitis and describes the therapeutic and preventive approaches to this dermatological nosological entity.

About the authors

Lina R. Plieva

I.M. Setchenov First Moscow State Medical University

Email: doctorlina@list.ru
MD, PhD 119991, Moscow, Russia


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