Phagedenic chancre: a case history

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A clinical case is presented: a patient (male) aged 26 with malignant syphilis, presented by phagedenic degeneration of the hard chancre, which is difficult to diagnose. Blood testing for syphilis showed positive reactions. Primary syphilis of the genitals and syphilitic chancre (A51.0) were diagnosed. Careless sexual contacts and alcohol abuse promoted a severe course of the syphilitic infection. Therapy led to clinical serological cure. This case is presented to attract the attention of dermatologists and venereologists and of physicians of allied specializations, e. g. urologists, to the problem of syphilis.

About the authors

G. N Tarasenko

A.A. Vishnevsky Central Military Clinical Hospital No. 3; Moscow State University of Foodstaff Production

Medical Upgrading Institute 143003, Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region, Russian Federation

E. M Artemyev

Military Clinical Hospital No. 354

зав. кожно-венерологическим отделением 664001, Irkutsk, Russian Federation


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