Psychosomatic aspects of lichen planus

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The development of psychodermatology as one of the trends of psychosomatic medicine is determined by high prevalence and polymorphism of clinical manifestations and of comorbid proportions of skin and mental disease. The psychosomatic aspects of lichen planus development are a pressing psychodermatological problem because of numerous nosogenic factors (severe forms, itching; location of eruptions on the open sites of the body, genitals, oral mucosa; probability of malignant transformation of the foci) and because of frequent stressogenic (psychogenic) origin of dermatosis manifestation/exacerbation, and also because of syndromal associations with affective diseases. Comprehensive studies ofpsychosomatic aspects of clinical forms of lichen planus was carried out in order to create more effective diagnostic and therapeutic methods within the framework of modern concept ofpsychosomatic medicine. The typical and atypical forms of lichen planus are characterized with due consideration for the psychosomatic aspects of their development. Relevant publications in Russian and foreign literature and reviewed.

About the authors

I. Yu Dorozhenok

Center of Mental Health; I.M.Setchenov First Moscow Medical University

кандидат мед. наук, доцент; кафедра психиатрии и психосоматики ИПО 115522, Moscow, Russia

Elena S. Snarskaya

I.M. Setchenov First Moscow Medical University

MD, PhD, DSc, prof. 119991, Moscow, Russia

V. G Shenberg

I.M. Setchenov First Moscow Medical University

клиника кожных и венерических болезней; соискатель 119991, Moscow, Russia


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