A rare benign tumor in a child

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Published data on the pathogenesis and diagnosis of a rare benign tumor - pilomatrixoma - are presented. The authors present information on the tumor etiology and the numerous theories on its pathogenesis; however, the data indicate that the tumor consists of cells of the external membrane of the hair follicle root, with a trend to keratinization. The tumor is liable to form relapses after removal. Invasive growth and malignant transformation by the basal cell type can develop in these cases. A clinical case is presented: a child aged 9 years with pilomatrixoma. The tumor was surgically removed, the diagnosis was made on the basis of histological findings. Layers of necrotic cells, enveloped in a fibrous capsule, were detected, with cellular infiltration from lymnphocytes, histiocytes, and multinuclear cells and with focalfibrosis between the layers.

About the authors

Galina V. Menshchikova

Center of Child’s Health

Email: galina-o@yandex.ru
MD, PhD 119991, Moscow, Russian Federation

A. I Ermilova

Center of Child’s Health

Email: aermilova1@rambler.ru
кандидат мед. наук 119991, Moscow, Russian Federation

K. S Abramov

Center of Child’s Health

Email: karaman60@yandex.ru
кандидат мед. наук 119991, Moscow, Russian Federation

S. S Golubev

Laboratoirs de Genie, Moscow International Laboratory of Pathomorphology

Email: gs@ldg.su
кандидат мед. наук, доцент 127287, Moscow, Russian Federation


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