Panniculitis caused by a 4-antitrypsin deficiency

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Presents data on panniculitis and its different forms with special emphasis on panniculitis caused by а 1-antitrypsin (а 1-AT) deficiency, difficulties in the diagnosis and treatment of this condition. The diagnosis ofа -AT deficiency is based on clinical laboratory studies (common analysis of blood, biochemical study, ultrasonic study, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, etc.), measurement of blood а -AT concentration, and molecular genetic studies - detection of PiZZ genotype (Glu342Lys mutation in homozygotic state). The results of authors ’ observations are presented: effective systemic glucocorticosteroid therapy of panniculitis caused by а -AT deficiency.

About the authors

O. Yu Olisova

I.M. Setchenov First Moscow Medical University

доктор мед. наук, профессор; Кафедра кожных и венерических болезней лечебного факультета

O. V Grabovskaya

I.M. Setchenov First Moscow Medical University

кандидат мед. наук, врач высшей категории; Кафедра кожных и венерических болезней лечебного факультета

N. P Teplyuk

I.M. Setchenov First Moscow Medical University

доктор мед. наук, профессор; Кафедра кожных и венерических болезней лечебного факультета

T. A Belousova

I.M. Setchenov First Moscow Medical University

кандидат мед. наук, доцент, врач высшей категории; Кафедра кожных и венерических болезней лечебного факультета

I. S Dzhavakhishvili

I.M. Setchenov First Moscow Medical University

ординатор; Кафедра кожных и венерических болезней лечебного факультета

V. A Varshavsky

I.M. Setchenov First Moscow Medical University

доктор мед. наук, профессор


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