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The effects of peeling by β-lipohydroxysalicylic acid (LHA) and salicylic acid (SA) on the expression of tissue markers of proliferation and differentiation in skin cells were studied. Peeling in the retro-auricular regions: on the right side by LHA, on the left by SA was carried out in 5 volunteers treated in burn wards for skin cicatrices formed after previous burns of various skin areas. Biopsy specimens were collected after 1 week in 2 patients, after 10 days in 1 patient, and after 2 weeks in 2 patients. Intact skin biopsy specimens from the retrolateral surface of the neck served as control. The expression of the following markers was studied by the immunohistochemical method: p53 proapoptotic protein, Bcl-2 antiapoptotic protein, Ki-67 proliferating cell marker, and collagen 4. Peeling by LHA and SA differed by their effects on the epidermis and derma. The SA peeling more intensely stimulated the regeneratory processes in the epidermis and derma, which could reflect its more pronounced effect on the skin.

About the authors

T. N Korolkova

I.M.Metchnikov North-Western State Medical University

Email: tnkor@mail.ru
доктор мед. наук, профессор St. Petersburg, Russia

A. V Balashova

I.M.Metchnikov North-Western State Medical University

Email: anna191177@list.ru
кандидат мед. наук St. Petersburg, Russia

E. V Zinovyev

Leningrad Regional Clinical Hospital

Email: evz@list.ru
доктор мед. наук, профессор Toxovo, Leningrad Region, Russia


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