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The efficiency of autologous platelet-rich plasma in the treatment of stubborn skin wounds was evaluated.

About the authors

N. V Prosyannikova

Health Center No. 1, Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

врач Отделение дерматовенерологии, микологии и косметологии

E. V Lipova

Health Center No. 1, Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

д-р мед. наук, проф Отделение дерматовенерологии, микологии и косметологии

K. A Pokrovsky

L.A.Vorokhobov Municipal Clinical Hospital No. 67, Moscow

д-р мед. наук, проф

G. N Tarasenko

A.A.Vishnevsky Third Central Military Clinical Hospital

канд. мед. наук, доцент Отделение дерматовенерологии


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