Spectrum of autoimmune disorders in paraneoplastic pemphigus

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Results of indirect immunofluorescence analysis of curculating autoantibodies in paraneoplastic pemphigus and investigation of their role in development of this disease are presented. It was estimated that a wide variety of IgG autoantibodies play a role in manifestation of paraneoplastic pemphigus. Pathologic process involves not only desmosomal apparatus of stratified squamose epithelium and Hassal's bodies but also of parenchymatous organs, such as heart and liver. Detection of additional antibodies (particularly to antigens of discs in cross-striated muscles, myocardium capillaries, structures of conjunctive tissue in liver, and to nuclei of liver cells) in autoimmune pemphigus can raise a suggestion about paraneoplastic nature of pemphigus . Mosaic character of antibodies allow to consider paraneoplastic pemphigus as a multiorgan syndrome.

About the authors

N V Makhneva

ГУ МОНИКИ им. М. Ф. Владимирского

Email: makhneva@mail.ru
Отделение дерматовенерологии и дерматоонкологии (руководитель - проф. В. А. Молочков)- д-р мед. наук, вед. науч. сотр; ГУ МОНИКИ им. М. Ф. Владимирского

L V Beletskaya

ФНЦ трансплантологии и искусственных органов им. В. И. Шумакова

лаборатория трансплантационной иммунологии (зав. - В. Ю. Абрамов)- д-р мед. наук, проф., гл. науч. сотр; ФНЦ трансплантологии и искусственных органов им. В. И. Шумакова

N V Makhneva

L V Belezkaya


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