Morfo- i immunogenez sarkoidnoy granulemy i ispol'zovanie preparata "Egallokhit" dlya korrektsii postgranulematoznykh izmeneniy kozhi

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The authors analyze the structure of sarcoidosis morbidity on the basis of clinicomorphological monitoring of patients with different forms from Moscow and the Moscow region. They consider the specific features of the morpho- and immunogenesis of granulomatous inflammation in sarcoidosis, which result in a significant fibrotic process and evolving cosmetic defects. The clinical efficacy of Egallohit (as cream and gel) has been evaluated in 35 patients with sarcoidosis of the skin. The paper shows the efficacy of the agent and provides evidence that it is expedient to include it into cutaneous sarcoidosis treatment regimens to prevent the fibrotic processes leading to the development of cosmetic defects.

About the authors

E S Snarskaya

ФППОВ ГОУ ВПО ММА им. И. М. Сеченова Росздрава

д-р мед. наук, профКафедра кожных и венерических болезней; ФППОВ ГОУ ВПО ММА им. И. М. Сеченова Росздрава

N S Surikova

ГУ МОНИКИ им. М. Ф. Владимирского

аспирантотделение дерматовенерологии и дерматоонкологии; ГУ МОНИКИ им. М. Ф. Владимирского


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