卷 19, 编号 2 (2014)


Necrotizing pneumonia caused Staphylococcus aureus

Beloborodov V.


Necrotizing pneumonia caused by S. aureus is infrequent, but very serious illness with a high mortality. Pneumonia arises mainly in children and young adults, develops within several days is accompanied with multiple necroses in lung tissue, often leads to a lethal outcome. The feature ofpathogen is ability to formation ofpore-forming toxin destroying different cells in the body including polymorphonuclear leukocytes. The previous virus infection, for example flu, is considered a contributing factor or the co-infection which creates prerequisites for destruction ofneutrophils in lungs with appearance ofnecroses. S. aureus is not the most frequent causative agent of community-acquired pneumonia therefore empirical therapy does not include antibiotics with the activity against staphylococci which are sensitive or resistant to oxacyllin/meticyllin. As a result empirical regimen of antibacterial therapy appears not to be effective. Early clinical signs are a high fever, blood in the sputum, the presence of cavities in the lungs, a rapid increase in respiratory failure. The microscopy of sputum with detection o a large number of staphylococci allows to establish pathogen at an early stage, before obtaining results oif microbiological tests to prove application ofantibiotics active against staphylococci, and after receiving microbiological data to carry out the final correction ovf antibacterial therapy. Respiratory virus infection preceding peumonia or adverse epidemiological situation (flu epidemic) also is the justification for empiric application of anti-staphylococcal antibiotics in community acquired pneumonia.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2014;19(2):4-10
pages 4-10 views

Lipopolysaccharides/endotoxins of gram-negative bacteria: their role in the development of intoxication

Gyulazyan N., Belaia O., Malovv V., G P., Volchkova E.


Numerous clinical and experimental studies allow us to consider bacterial endotoxins as the main factors inducing the development of intoxication syndrome in infectious and non-infectious diseases. LPS is themajor structural component of Gram-negative bacteria; its effect on the body is related to all the objective clinical manifestations of intoxication. The activation of immune cells by LPS results in the release of inflammatory mediators: cytokines, chemokines, enzymes, eicosanoids, adhesion agents and free radicals that are responsible for the progression of inflammatory reactions and may induce pathophysiological processes including septic shock. Currently, various techniques are developed and used for endotoxin /LPS determinationin biological environmentsthat are based both on detection of its serological markers and registration of its biological effects.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2014;19(2):11-16
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Seasonal fluctuations of H.Pylori markers in patients with acute viral hepatitis

Belaia O., Zuevskaya S., Paevskaya O., Yudina Y., Volchkova E., Pak S.


Under investigation of the dynamics of pathogenicity factors H. pylori (LPS/O-antigen markers VacA and high molecular weight proteins (HMWP) (including CagA) in the body ofpatients with acute viral hepatitis (AVH) of different etiology there were established seasonal patterns in feces and serum circulating immune complexes (CIC): LPS/O-antigen markers and H. pylori VacA included in CIC. The detection rate and levels of markers of H. pylori in patients who had AVH in January-April exceeded similar indices in patients whi had AVH in May-August. We believe that these data should be considered in the assessment of the results of the diagnosis ofH. pylori and results of eradication therapy.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2014;19(2):17-20
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West Nile Fever in the Tula region, Russian Federation

Butenko A., Kozlova A., Larichev V., Dzagurova T., Pantykhova R., Vazhnenkova N., Karlova V., Vasilkova O.


As a result of serological testing (MAC-ELISA, ELISA-IgG and neutralization test) 143 sera from 132 patients with acute febrile disease of unknown etiology hospitalized in summer 2012 in the hospitals of Tula, the first time in Tula and the Tula region were diagnosed 4 cases of West Nile fever. The age ofpatients was 42, 60, 62 and 64. They all got sick in August 2012. The temperature reached 39-40°C. Duration of disease from 13 to 20 days, the duration of hospitalization from 8 to17 days. Neurological symptoms were observed in two patients in the form of meningeal syndrome and encephalopathy with asthenic symptoms (in one case) and faint meningeal syndrome (in another).
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2014;19(2):20-25
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Comparative analysis of the genome regions associated with virulence in original classic and El Tor Biovars of Vibrio cholerae strains

Kul’shan T., Cheldyshova N., Guseva N., Smirnova N.


The comparative analysis of the genome regions associated with virulence in various V. cholerae strains: classical biovar, as well as typical and genetically altered strains of El Tor biovar was performed with the use of PCR assays and fragment sequencing. V. cholerae classical biovar genome was demonstrated to be more stable in comparison with the same in V. cholerae El Tor biovar. Within the genome of El Tor vibrios there were identified extensive variable regions carrying pathogenicity genes. It was also found that unlike classical cholera vibrios, in the V. cholerae El Tor genome there is absent CRISPR-system limiting horizontal transfer of the genes. The obtained data concerning these structural peculiarities of V. cholerae El Tor genome may be used in the delivery of the new generations of gene-diagnostic preparations and for improvement of molecular-epidemiological monitoring in case of cholera.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2014;19(2):26-33
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Three epidemic seasons of flu in 2009-2013

Yakovlev A., Kotlyarova S., Musatov V., Fedunyak I., Karnaukhov E., Vashukova S., Ivanova E.


The present publication is devoted to the comparative eidemiogical and ethyologic analysis of flu in seasons of 2009-2010, 2011 and 2013. In the article there are presented quantitative data on hospitalization of patients to an infectious hospital in the period of epidemic seasons with the analysis of calendar time, duration and peaks of mass admission. Data on etiological structure offlu are provided for each epidemic season also. The lethality from flu as a whole and from flu A(H1)pdm09 is analyzed. Similarities and distinctions of epidemic seasons in the specified years are clarified.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2014;19(2):33-39
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Liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic viral hepatitis c: some epidemiologic and molecular-genetic aspects

Nikolaeva L., Leybman E., Sapronov G., Yudin A.


The aim of this review is to analyze the modern epidemiological and molecular-genetic data concerning development of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic hepatitis C. There were considered peculiarities of the occurrence of this pathology in adult patients and children with hepatitis C.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2014;19(2):40-51
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On the question of pathogenesis of in chronic HCV-infection

Avdeeva M., Lysenko I.


In a review of the literature there are considered the problems of hematopoiesis in HCV-infection and discussed the different mechanisms of anemia. On the basis of the analysis of current evidence it was shown that anemia in chronic hepatitis C may have hyporegenerative character and be associated with myelosuppressive effect of viral infection (directly or indirectly through a change in cytokine profile), it has features of the so-called anemia of chronic diseases, or be regenerative as a consequence of chronic blood loss, immune and non-immune hemolysis, microangiopathies, hypersplenism. In the formation of anemia there are important factors: the development of iron deficiency and/or vitamin B I2 deficiency, the effects of alcohol, and hormonal perturbations. The mactocytes presence in the peripheral blood is shown to be one of the characteristics of hematopoiesis during HCV-infection.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2014;19(2):52-59
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Experience of application of ELISA test kids for the serological diagnosis of West Nile fever

Azaryan A., Grishanova A., Ivashchenko E., Shendo G., Kovtunov A., Netalieva S., Babaeva M., Burkin A., Arshba T., Larichev V., Butenko A.


As a result of comparative application of enzyme immunoassay "Anti-West Nile virus ELISA-IgM" of the company "Euroimmun AG" (Germany) and "BioScrin-WNV-IgM", produced by ZAO Biotech company "Bioservice» (Russia), intended for serodiagnosis of West Nile fever there was established very low specificity of "Anti-West Nile ELISA-IgM", which is manifested in the registration of false positive results.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2014;19(2):59-62
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Development of the Antiplague Service in prerevolutionary Russia

Blokhina N.


The article is devoted to the formation of anti-plague service in the Russian Empire. There have been analyzed the actions of public figures of the Russian Empire and practical epidemioligists in the struggle against the plague.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2014;19(2):62-64
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