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This review is devoted to assessing the world’s prevalence of human papillomavirus (HPV) in lung cancer (LC), which is recognized as the etiological factor of cervical cancer. However, data show that this virus is presents not only in gynecological carcinomas, but also in tumors of other organs, in particular, the upper respiratory tract and the digestive tract. The review includes 54 articles. Of all the studies analyzed, 10 of them showed a complete absence of HPV in the biological material in patients with LC. The highest percentage of HPV occurrence by region is observed in Australia, Latin America, followed by the Asian region. Interestingly, the highest occurrence of high oncogenic types (16 and 18) is observed in Asia (35.4%), then in Latin America (33.6%) and Europe (23.6%). Low oncogenic types (6 and 11) are mainly observed in Asia (40.0%). This review is the first such study in Russia. However, the frequency of occurrence of HPV in lung tumor tissue highly variety. This may raise the question of whether HPV really plays a role in the carcinogenesis of lung cancer, which makes further research in this area relevant and promising.

About the authors

Matvey M. Tsyganov

st. Cooperative, 5, 634009, Tomsk, Russia

Email: TsyganovMM@yandex.ru
PhD, Researcher Laboratory of Oncovirus, Research Institute of Oncology, Tomsk NRMC st. Cooperative 5, 634009, Tomsk, Russia

A. M Pevsner

st. Cooperative, 5, 634009, Tomsk, Russia

Email: alin.pevzner@gmail.com
лаборант-исследователь лаб. онковирусологии НИИ онкологии st. Cooperative 5, 634009, Tomsk, Russia

M. K Ibragimova

st. Cooperative, 5, 634009, Tomsk, Russia

Email: imk1805@yandex.ru
мл. науч. сотр. лаб. онковирусологии НИИ онкологии, Томский НИМЦ st. Cooperative 5, 634009, Tomsk, Russia

I. V Deryusheva

st. Cooperative, 5, 634009, Tomsk, Russia

Email: Irkin_097@mail.ru
мл. науч. сотр. лаб. онковирусологии НИИ онкологии, Томский НИМЦ st. Cooperative 5, 634009, Tomsk, Russia

N. V Litviakov

st. Cooperative, 5, 634009, Tomsk, Russia

Email: vlitv72@yandex.ru
доктор биол. наук, зав. лаб. онковирусологии НИИ онкологии, Томский НИМЦ st. Cooperative 5, 634009, Tomsk, Russia


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