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Data on identification and verification of the etiologically diagnosis of a acute respiratory viral infections are presented in article at sharp upper respiratory tract infections of the multiple and not specified localization and at local diseases of respiratory organs in Vladivostok. The highest average value of detectability from 2011 for 2017 was at a rinoviral infection - 22,8 cases %ооо. The detectability of flu A (H3N2) was 19,6%ooo; flu A (H1N1) - 15,1%ooo; flu B - 9,8%ooo. Detection of the acute respiratory viral infections verified on an etiology had natural seasonality. The incidence of flu, caused by representatives of the Orthomyxoviridae family, was formed in the winter and in the spring. During the summer-autumnal period rise in incidence of Paramyxoviridae family viruses was formed (paraflu, RS-viral infection, a metapneumoviral infection). The Coronaviral infection had winter seasonality. The Rinoviral infection, adenoviral and bakaviral infections were characterized by summer-autumnal seasonality. According to the nature of seasonality and structure of the verified cases on months of year the probability of confirmation of the diagnosis of a rinoviral infection from May to October was from 56,8+5,1% to 62,1+7,5%. Similar situation develops with paraflu. From May to November the specific weight of the verified paraflu was from 11,6+4,9% to 19,5+4,9% of all confirmed SARS cases. For flu A (H1N1) the probability of confirmation of the diagnosis from December to March is from 15,4+3,9% to 54,8+5,3%. And at flu A (H3N2) in data of month - from 5,2+2,4% to 47,6+4,0%. At flu B high probability of confirmation of the diagnosis in spring months, in March and April, 30,0+3,6% and 26,4+5,2%.

About the authors

Sergej L. Kolpakov

State Educational Institution of Higher Education «Pacific State Medical University of the Ministry of Public Health Russian Federation»

Email: kolpakovsl@mail.ru
associate professor of epidemiology and military epidemiology of The State Educational Institution of Higher Education «Pacific State Medical University of the Ministry of Public Health Russian Federation» 690002, Vladivostok

A. F Popov

State Educational Institution of Higher Education «Pacific State Medical University of the Ministry of Public Health Russian Federation»

Email: doctor.popov@mail.ru
доктор мед. наук, проф. каф. инфекционных болезней ФГБОУ ВО «Тихоокеанский государственный медицинский университет» 690002, Vladivostok

A. I Simakova

State Educational Institution of Higher Education «Pacific State Medical University of the Ministry of Public Health Russian Federation»

Email: anna-inf@yandex.ru
доктор мед. наук, доцент, зав. каф. инфекционных болезней ФГБОУ ВО «Тихоокеанский государственный медицинский университет» 690002, Vladivostok


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