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The study is based on a socio-hygienic assessment of the contribution of inapparent infections to anti-influenza immunization of risk groups. We use data on preventive vaccination against influenza and morbidity rate among vaccinated and unvaccinated in the period of 2010-2011 in the Sverdlovsk region. Based on information about the frequency of registration of inapparent and clinically apparent forms of infection, groups with the largest and the least contribution of the inapparent component were identified. The proportions of the vaccine and inapparent component in the total increase of herd immunity were calculated. The results of the analysis indicate the need for the usage of differentiated approach to the study of inapparent immunization, suggesting a purposive expansion of immunological studies of inapparent forms of infection. The study points that the optimal combination of naturally occurring asymptomatic immunization with vaccination can become an effective strategy for maintaining health.

About the authors

Igor D. Kolesin

St. Petersburg State University

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical sciences, Professor SPnGU Universitetskii prospekt 35, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 198504


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