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The aim of the study is to assess the features of the formation and implementation of the risks of HIV infection in the city of Moscow, taking into account the gender, type of contact, number of partners, sexual activity, information on the use of barrier protection means. To develop proposals for raising awareness of key (vulnerable) groups of the population. Materials and methods. A survey study involved 329 patients who were on the primary admission to the AIDS Moscow Municipal Center. Four groups of observation, separated by gender and HIV status, were selected. On the base of absolute values, the relative indices for each studied sigh were calculated, the errors in the representativeness of the relative indices were determined, the reliability of the differences in relative values was estimated, the probability of an error-free forecast was assumed to be equal to or greater than 95% (p ≥ 95%). Results and discussion There is established the high prevalence and significant role of anal intercourses (AIC) in the transmission of HIV infection to both men and women among the residents of the metropolitan region along with the lack of awareness of the potential risks of this form of sexual contact in the transmission of HIV infection. The low frequency of condom use by men practicing the AIC has been revealed. The preventive effect of control by women on the use of condoms by their partners has been confirmed. Conclusion As the main tasks to optimize preventive measures for HIV infection, it is necessary to consider informing key (vulnerable) population groups of the base of women's consultations and medical organizations of the dermatovenerologic profile concerning the potential danger of the AIC and the preventive value of barrier protection.

About the authors

Andrey A. Malinovsky

Infectious Clinical Hospital No. 2, Moscow City AIDS Prevention and Control Center

Email: omo.epid@yandex.ru
MD, Ph.D., epidemiologist of the Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Counseling of the Infectious Clinical Hospital No. 2, Moscow City AIDS Prevention and Control Center, 15, bld. 5, Sokolinoy Mountain 8th Street, 105275, Moscow, Russian Federation 15, Bldg. 5, Sokolinoy Gory 8th Street,105275, Moscow, Russia

V. I Kharchenko

Infectious Clinical Hospital No. 2, Moscow City AIDS Prevention and Control Center

Email: har4enko59@mail.ru
канд. мед. наук, зав. отд-нием клинической эпидемиологии и консультирования МГЦ СПИД 15, Bldg. 5, Sokolinoy Gory 8th Street,105275, Moscow, Russia

T. P Bessarab

Infectious Clinical Hospital No. 2, Moscow City AIDS Prevention and Control Center

Email: bessarab@spid.ru; tmbk@yandex.ru
зав. отд-нием профилактики ВИЧ-инфекции МГЦ СПИД, кандидат медицинских наук 15, Bldg. 5, Sokolinoy Gory 8th Street,105275, Moscow, Russia

I. V Gerasimov

Infectious Clinical Hospital No. 2, Moscow City AIDS Prevention and Control Center

Email: gerasimoviv2013@yandex.ru
канд. мед. наук, врач-эпидемиолог отделения клинической эпидемиологии и консультирования МГЦ СПИД 15, Bldg. 5, Sokolinoy Gory 8th Street,105275, Moscow, Russia

E. M Serebryakov

Infectious Clinical Hospital No. 2, Moscow City AIDS Prevention and Control Center

Email: s.em83@yandex.ru
зав. организационно-методическим отделом МГЦ СПИД 15, Bldg. 5, Sokolinoy Gory 8th Street,105275, Moscow, Russia

T. R Khalilulin

Infectious Clinical Hospital No. 2, Moscow City AIDS Prevention and Control Center

Email: han-82@mail.ru
канд. мед. наук, врач-терапевт поликлинического отд-ния МГЦ СПИД 15, Bldg. 5, Sokolinoy Gory 8th Street,105275, Moscow, Russia


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