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The results of a retrospective analysis of the experience of three Russian regional liver transplantation centers in relation to antiviral therapy of recurrent hepatitis C in liver recipients are presented. There were studied six different therapeutic schedules with direct antiviral drugs (DAVD) administered in 91 patients. The frequency of the persistent virologic response in 12 weeks after the completion of therapy (PVR12) amounted to 92.3%. In recipients, the use of a combination of sofosbuvir and daclatasvir seems to be the most promising as following its administration relapses observed in only 3 out of the 57 recipients were associated with drug resistance mutations to NS5A inhibitors. There were no serious adverse events related to the use of DAVD. The frequency of the reactivation of HBV infection against the background of DAVD therapy in liver recipients did not exceed the previously reported frequency of de novo hepatitis B in non-endemic regions. In recurrent hepatitis C patients after the liver transplantation effects of both the virus genotype, the pronouncement of graft fibrosis and the addition of ribavirin, on the frequency of SVO12 have not been revealed.

About the authors

Vladimir E. Syutkin

N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute of First Aid

MD, Ph.D., DSci., leading researcher of the N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute of First Aid, 3, bldg. 21, Bolshaya Sukharevskaya Square, Moscow, 129090, Russia 3, Bldg. 21, Bolshaya Sukharevskaya Square, 129090 Moscow, Russia

E. N Bessonova

Sverdlovsk Regional Clinical Hospital No 1, Sverdlovsk Regional Hepatology Center

185, Volgogradskaya str., 620102 Ekaterinburg, Russia

M. N Davydenko

Professor S.V. Ochapovsky Research Institute - Regional Clinical Hospital No 1

167, 1 Maya str., 350901 Krasnodar, Russia


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