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The article contains the main milestones of life and career of professor Filatov. It was noted that during 25 years of scientific and teaching activity N.F. Filatov has made a significant contribution to the development of world Pediatrics. He is the author of over 70 scientific works, including “a Short textbook of pediatric diseases” (1893), aged 12 editions, and “Clinical lectures” (1900). His monograph “Lectures on acute infectious diseases” (1885) through 4 editions, “Semiotics and diagnosis of childhood diseases” (1890) - 9 editions, it is translated into German, Czech, Italian, Hungarian and French. In the monographs and manuals N.F. Filatov studied many of pokoleniya-pediatricians. He described the infectious disease named Filatov scarlatinal rubella. She was later described by the British physician Duxom; one of the presently used names of the disease - a disease Filatov-Dukes. In the first edition of “Lectures on infectious diseases” N.F. Filatov described is not known until the time of infectious mononucleosis, which he called idiopathic inflammation of the cervical lymphatic glands. The disease is now often called a disease Filatov. In 1895 N. F. Filatov, described an important diagnostic sign of measles is the appearance of catarrhal period of illness 1 - 2 days before appearance of rash spot grayish-white lesions on the mucosa of lips and cheeks. As was established later, this sign was first described by A.P. Belsky in 1890, then regardless of him. F. Filatov, and in 1896 Aplicom. In the literature, this symptom is known as spots Belsky-Filatova-Koplik. N.F. Filatov described the pathogenesis of some forms of edema syndrome in children, published works on prolonged afebrile forms of the flu. N. F. Filatov developed a clinical-physiological direction in Pediatrics. He created a large school of domestic pediatricians. Among his students were V.I. Molchanov and G.N. Speransky.

About the authors

T. Sh Morgoshiia

The Department of faculty surgery named after Professor A.A. Rusanov, Spbpgmu

St. Petersburg


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  2. Молчанов В.И. Н.Ф. Филатов (к 100-летию со дня рождения). М., 1947.
  3. Тимченко В.Н., Каплина Т.А., Булина О.В., Леоничева О.А., Хакизимана Ж.К., Тимофеева Е.В. Актуальные проблемы коревой инфекции. Педиатр. 2017; 8(3): 120- 9.
  4. Черникова А.П. Нил Федорович Филатов, К 125-летию со дня рождения. Вопросы охраны материнства и детства. 1972; 17(6): 84.

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