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For past several years there is a sustained trend in reducing of viral hepatitis incidence (both acute and chronic), among public in general and among blood donors, according to epidemiological data. However, there is a lack of data either on other infections in blood donors or differences in infection markers’ patterns in primary or regular donors. The aim of the study was to show a sustained trend in reducing of infection markers identification frequency among primary and regular donors. Materials and methods. 103 716 blood samples were tested for infection markers using ELISA, CМIA and PCR. 39 514 samples from 10 354 donors are described in detail: 7654 - from primary donors and 31 860 - from regular donors. Age 18-70 yrs., median 33 yrs. Male/female - 6036/4318. Results and discussion. The trend was proved by 10-fold decrease in frequency of infection markers among blood donors. The detection rate of infection markers in regular donors was significant lower than in primary donors and in general population. Through 2015 to 2017 upraise of number of regular donors from 40,6% up to 65,4% was observed. The same was observed for donations from regular donors also: in 2015 primary/regular donors’ donation ratio was 1:2.4, in 2016 - 1:5.2, in 2017 - 1:6.6. Conclusion. For the last 8 years a stable decrease in frequency of blood-borne infections among donors has been observed, which is a result of several factors. Among these factors are: reduction of hepatitis B and C incidence in the Russian Federation, vaccination against hepatitis B program, blood management strategy implementation. A major impact can be attributed to blood productions from regular donors not the primary ones.

About the authors

Tatyana A. Tupoleva

Federal State Budgetary Institution «National medical research center of Hematology»

Candidate of Medical Sciences. Head of Department, Federal State Budgetary Institution «National medical research center of Hematology» 4, Novyy Zikovskiy proezd, 125167, Moscow, Russia

D. S Tikhomirov

Federal State Budgetary Institution «National medical research center of Hematology»

канд. биол. наук, ст. науч. сотр., ФГБУ «НМИЦ гематологии» Минздрава России 4, Novyy Zikovskiy proezd, 125167, Moscow, Russia

A. A Gulyaeva

Federal State Budgetary Institution «National medical research center of Hematology»

зав. отд-нием, ФГБУ «НМИЦ гематологии» Минздрава России 4, Novyy Zikovskiy proezd, 125167, Moscow, Russia

E. N Ovchinnikova

Federal State Budgetary Institution «National medical research center of Hematology»

биолог, ФГБУ «НМИЦ гематологии» Минздрава России 4, Novyy Zikovskiy proezd, 125167, Moscow, Russia

M. V Demin

Federal State Budgetary Institution «National medical research center of Hematology»

биолог, ФГБУ «НМИЦ гематологии» Минздрава России 4, Novyy Zikovskiy proezd, 125167, Moscow, Russia

T. V Gaponova

Federal State Budgetary Institution «National medical research center of Hematology»

зам. генерального директора по трансфузиологии, ФГБУ «НМИЦ гематологии» Минздрава России 4, Novyy Zikovskiy proezd, 125167, Moscow, Russia


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