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Leptospirosis can be up to 20-40% of infectious diseases such as malaria, dengue fever and many others occurring in tropical regions. There is presented the description of the clinical case of leptospirosis in a patient arrived from Vietnam. The severity of the patient's disease is associated with an increase in respiratory symptoms and disease caused by the development of adult respiratory distress syndrome, which can occur not less than in 19.0% of patients, mostly in men and lead to the death in 14.2% of patients. Thus, after arrival from tropical countries patients with fever, signs of organ (respiratory, renal, hepatic, etc.) failure are to be tested for leptospirosis.

About the authors

M. A Nikulina

Altai State Medical University

40, Lenina prospect, Barnaul, 656038, Russian Federation

V. M Granitov

Altai State Medical University

40, Lenina prospect, Barnaul, 656038, Russian Federation

S. F Tanashkin

City hospital №5

75, Zmeinogorskiy trakt, Barnaul, 115211, Russian Federation

E. V Volchkova

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

8, building 2, Trubetskaya str., Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation

E. A Nemilostiva

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

8, building 2, Trubetskaya str., Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation


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