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This article presents results of the analysis of the level of spontaneous and induced γ-interferon in patients hospitalized in the Department of infectious diseases of the Medical Sanitary Unit No. 59 of the settlement Zarechny (the Penza region). The study included 64 in-patients of the infectious hospital including influenza cases, predominantly, (N3N2) - 27%, influenza B - 22%, RS-virus infection - 28%, unverified pathogen - 23%. Verification of etiological SARS was carried out through the identification of RNA and DNA viruses in nasal and pharyngeal discharges, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method was used in real time. The level of spontaneous γ-interferon (IFA method) before and after treatment was shown to be low and ranged from 0,0 to 4,9 pg/ml, irrespective of etiology, age and gender. The level of induced γ-interferon in flu before the treatment was significantly higher, than in RS infection. In schoolchildren and adults levels of induced γ -interferon before and after the treatment were significantly higher than in preschool children.

About the authors

Irina P. Baranova

Penza Advanced Training Institute for Doctors, branch of the Russian Medical Academy for continuing professional education

MD, PhD, DSci., Professor, Merited doctor of the Russian Federation, head of the Department of infectious diseases of the Penza Advanced Training Institute for Doctors, branch of the Russian Medical Academy for continuing professional education, 8А, Stasova str., Penza, 440066, Russian Federation 8А, Stasova str., Penza, 440066, Russian Federation

I. A Malova

Medical Sanitary unit No. 59 of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency

аспирант каф. инфекционных болезней ПИУВ - филиал ФГБОУ ДПО РМАНПО Минздрава России, зав. инфекционным отд-нием ФГБУЗ МСЧ № 59 ФМБА России 8, Sportivnaya str., settlement of Zarechny, 442960, Russian Federation


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