Analysis of the fragmented and full genome sequencing of atypical Vibrio Cholerae strains of the classical biovar, which brought about to the outbreak of the Asian cholera in Russia

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The aim of the research was the study of genetic changes in the genome of classical strains of Vibrio Cholerae which brought about to the atypical outbreak of Asian cholera in Russia in 1942 - 1943. Genome-wide and fragmented sequencing of mentioned strains revealed the presence of mutations in their structural (tcpC, tcpF, tcpS, purE) and regulatory (vieA, vieS, toxR, hapR, rpoS, crp) genes. The overproduction of CT and TCP, as well as the lack of production NAR were found to be caused by mutations in regulatory genes (hapR and rpoS). Adenine auxotrophy in V. cholerae strain M-29 is associated with a mutation in a gene purE. Thus, atypicality of the epidemic and clinical processes in the outbreak of cholera in Russia in 1942 - 1943 was associated with a combination of phenotypic features (auxotrophy, overproduction CT, TCP, lack of product HAP) of strains which brought it, caused by mutations in the structural (purE) and regulatory (hapR and rpoS) genes with social factors (war, starvation, weakened body of prisoners).

About the authors

N. B Cheldyshova

Russian Research Anti-Plague Institute “Microbe"

46, Universitetskaya Str., Saratov, Russian Federation, 410005

A. A Kritskiy

Russian Research Anti-Plague Institute “Microbe"

мл. науч. сотр. лаб. патогенных вибрионов 46, Universitetskaya Str., Saratov, Russian Federation, 410005

Ya. M Krasnov

Russian Research Anti-Plague Institute “Microbe"

канд. хим. наук, зав. лаб. геномного и протеомного анализа 46, Universitetskaya Str., Saratov, Russian Federation, 410005

N. I Smirnova

Russian Research Anti-Plague Institute “Microbe"

доктор биол. наук, проф., зав. лаб. патогенных вибрионов 46, Universitetskaya Str., Saratov, Russian Federation, 410005


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