The use of interferon inducers in the comprehensive treatment for the prevention of tick-borne viral encephalitis

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The use of immunoglobulin preparations for the postexposure prevention of tick-borne encephalitis as the main therapeutic and prophylactic agent fails to have enough high efficiency. For the postexposure prevention and treatment of tick-borne viral encephalitis the use of preparation tioloroin seems to be appropriate. Objective. To determine the expedience of the use of the preparation tiloron for the emergency prevention of tick-borne viral encephalitis and to evaluate its effectiveness in the treatment of patients with febrile and meningeal forms of this infection. Materials and Methods. The evaluation ofpost-exposure prophylaxis of tick-borne was carried out in two groups of individuals (each group was consisted of 100 cases), suffered from the suction of ticks infected by encephalitis virus. Both groups sought for medical help in the first 48 hours after the moment of the tick suction. None of the victims has not been vaccinated against the disease and had no serological markers of infection. According to existing regulations, patients in both groups received post-exposure prophylaxis antiviral tick immunoglobulin in the standard dose. Patients of the second group additionally received an interferon inducer drug tiloron. For the evaluation of the therapeutic efficacy of the drug tiloron there was executed the analysis of clinical and laboratory picture of verified tick-borne viral encephalitis in 40 patients treated at "Republican Hospital for Infectious Diseases" of the city of Syktyvkar in the period from 2010 to 2015. There were studied the dynamics of clinical symptoms, haematological and biochemical markers, CSF, certain immunological indices: CD4, CD8, CD4/CD8, IgM and IgG. For the comparative assessment of the effectiveness of treatment, all the examined patients were divided into 4 groups depending on the clinical diagnosis and ongoing taken causal treatment. Results. Among the patients received post-exposure prophylaxis with inclusion of the preparation tiloron, the disease developed significantly less often, without the formation offocal forms. The use of tiloron in combination therapy reduced the duration of main clinical manifestations in patients with febrile and meningeal forms of the disease, contributed to a more rapid rehabilitation of cerebrospinal fluid, recovery of subpopulations of T-lymphocytes. Conclusions. Immunomodulating inductor tiloron is effective in complex treatment and prevention of tick-borne viral encephalitis.

About the authors

Sergey L. Kazakovtsev

Research Institute of Influenza; Republican Hospital for Infectious Diseases

MD, postgraduate student of the Research Institute of Influenza 15/17, Professora Popova str., Saint Petersburg, 197376, Russian Federation

T. V Sologub

Research Institute of Influenza

доктор мед. наук, проф., засл. врач России, зав. отд-нием экспериментально-клинических исследований ФГБУ «НИИ гриппа» Минздрава России 15/17, Professora Popova str., Saint Petersburg, 197376, Russian Federation

V. V Tsvetkov

Research Institute of Influenza

науч. сотр. ФГБУ «НИИ гриппа» Минздрава России 15/17, Professora Popova str., Saint Petersburg, 197376, Russian Federation


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