GIS-technologies in the advancement of epidemiological surveillance for anthrax in the Rostov region

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The article describes geo-informational system (GIS) aimed at advancement of epidemiological surveillance for anthrax in the Rostov region and developed with the use of the following resources: computerized program Quantum GIS 2.2, soil maps from "Unified State Register of Soil Resources of Russia", information submitted by experts of the Federal State Healthcare Institution "Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Rostov Region", data gained from the Public State Archives of the Rostov region. GIS makes it possible to reveal patterns ofspread ofanthrax among people and animals, to carry out comparative historic data analysis, to trace dynamics and a trend of incidence, to analyze the distribution of fixed problem areas according to the types of soils, landscapes, etc. Information presented in user-friendly form will be helpful for the effective and timely decision-making.

About the authors

Svetlana Yu. Vodyanitskaya

The Rostov-on-Don Anti-Plague Institute of the Federal Agency for Consumer Rights Protection & Human Welfare Supervision

MD., PhD. 117/40, Maksima Gorkogo str., Rostov-on-Don, 344002, Russian Federation

L. V Sudina

The Rostov-on-Don Anti-Plague Institute of the Federal Agency for Consumer Rights Protection & Human Welfare Supervision

мл. науч. сотр. лаб. санитарной охраны территории 117/40, Maksima Gorkogo str., Rostov-on-Don, 344002, Russian Federation

F. V Logvin

Rostov State Medical University

ст. преподаватель каф. эпидемиологии

A. S Vodopjanov

The Rostov-on-Don Anti-Plague Institute of the Federal Agency for Consumer Rights Protection & Human Welfare Supervision

канд. мед. наук, руководитель группы вирусологии лаб. биохимии микробов 117/40, Maksima Gorkogo str., Rostov-on-Don, 344002, Russian Federation

Yu. G Kireev

North-Caucasian Anti-Plague Station

канд. мед. наук, директор ФКУЗ Северо-Кавказской противочумной станции Rostov-on-Don, 344002, Russian Federation

V. V Batashev

The Rostov-on-Don Anti-Plague Institute of the Federal Agency for Consumer Rights Protection & Human Welfare Supervision

канд. мед. наук, ст. науч. сотр. лаб. санитарной охраны территории 117/40, Maksima Gorkogo str., Rostov-on-Don, 344002, Russian Federation


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