Effect of the preparation Ingavirin® (imidazolyl ethanamide pentandioic acid) on the interferon status of cells under conditions of viral infection

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Ingavirin® (imidazolyl ethanamide pentandioic acid) is an original antiviral drug, which is used in Russia for treatment and profilaxis of influenza and other acute viral infections. We confirmed that imidazolyl ethanamide pentandioic acid (IEPA), not being interferon inducer itself, enhances synthesis of both interferon-a/fi receptors (IFNAR) to interferone and cell sensitivity to interferone signalling, which was suppressed by NS1 protein - pathogen factor of influenza virus. IEPA is able to promote antiviral effector proteins PKR and MxA in infected cells, in opposition to interferon system suppression by influenza virus. Theoretical ground of clinical efficacy of Ingavirine® could be confirmed by obtained data of influence to innate immune system during viral infection.

About the authors

Thomas Aschacher

Medical University of Vienna

Отделение хирургии Waehringer Guertel 18-20, Vienna, Austria

Artem Krokhin

Medical University of Vienna

Отделение хирургии Waehringer Guertel 18-20, Vienna, Austria

Irina Kuznetsova

Medical University of Vienna

Отделение хирургии Waehringer Guertel 18-20, Vienna, Austria

Johannes Langle

Medical University of Vienna

Отделение хирургии Waehringer Guertel 18-20, Vienna, Austria

Vladimir Nebolsin

LLC «Pharmenterprises»

86, building 5, Vernadskogo Prospect, Moscow, 119571, Russian Federation

Andrey Egorov

Medical University of Vienna

Email: aevirol@gmail.com
PhD Waehringer Guertel 18-20, Vienna, Austria

Michael Bergmann

Medical University of Vienna

Отделение хирургии Waehringer Guertel 18-20, Vienna, Austria


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