Clinical and immunological features of inflammation in lyme borreliosis

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The cytokine status was studied in 46patients hospitalized in Specialized Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital in 2013-2014. Acute course of the infection of Ixodes tick borreliosis (ITB) was observed in the 41 (89%) case, subacute and chronic - in 5 (11%), in the dynamics of the disease there was studied the level of proinflammatory (IFN-y, IL-1β, IL-2) and anti-inflammatory ( IL-4, IL-10) cytokines. The average age of diseased patients in the acute course of the erythemalform of ITB amounted to 41,1 ± 1,83 years, men accouted for 37%, women - 63%. In 31.1% of the patients there were observed symptoms of the involvement of the peripheral nervous system PNC, in 51.1% - changes in the cardiovascular system. For the acute course of the erythemal form of ITB there is typical the significant increase ofIL-1β, IFN-y and IL-4 level, while in maintaining of normal levels of IL-2 and IL-10 low values in the majority of patients. In subacute and chronic course of Ixodes borreliosis there is persisted the elevated level of IL-1β, IFN-y, normal values of IL2 and low values of IL-10, while the level of IL-4 is also lowered. The increase of the IL-2 level in the acute course of the erythemal form of Ixodes borreliosis is associated with fever and involvement of the cardiovascular system. In the process of causal treatment with ceftriaxone (examination on the 5th and 12th day of the treatment) there was a significant decrease in the level of IL-2 (p <0,05), whereas treatment with doxycycline failed to affect the level of interleukins investigated. The revealed changes in the cytokine status in acute course of Ixodes borreliosis correspond to the development of the immune response on the type of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity. The decline of elevated level of IL-2 permits to evaluate the effectiveness of the causal treatment. The chronic course of the diseases is differed by low levels of IL-4.

About the authors

D. Yu Moshkova

Kuban State Medical University

очный аспирант каф. инфекционных болезней и фтизиопульмонологии 4, Sedina str., Krasnodar, 350063, Russian Federation

Marina G. Avdeeva

Kuban State Medical University

MD., PhD., DSci., professor, head of the Department of infectious disease and phthisiopulmonology 4, Sedina str., Krasnodar, 350063, Russian Federation


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