Monoclonal antibodies to thermostable surface antigens of Vibrio cholerae O1 and O139 serogroups

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There is delivered the panel of 9 hybridomas producing monoclonal antibodies directed to surface thermo-resistant antigenic determinants of V.cholerae El Tor and O139. By immunoblotting method most of MCA were established to react with the corresponding epitopes of protein nature at the level of 38-42 kDa. There were revealed differences in the specific orientation of the MCA to Vibrio cholerae: the first group of MCA identifies antigenic determinants presented only in strains of V. cholerae O1, O139 with genetic characteristic ctx+ tcp+ and ctx- tcp+, but fails to identify strains ctx- tcp-; the second group of MCA identifies common epitopes for V.cholerae El Tor and O139 regardless of ctx and tcp genes. The new panel of MCA can be used as well for the study of the fine antigenic structure of V. cholerae El Tor and O139 as detection of epidemically dangerous strains genotype ctx+ tcp+ with ELISA methods

About the authors

V. V Evdokimova

Rostov-on-Don Institute for Plague Control of Federal Agency for Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare Supervision

науч. сотр. гр. гибридом лаб. микробиологии холеры 117/40, Maksima Gorkogo Str., Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation, 344002

L. P Alekseeva

Rostov-on-Don Institute for Plague Control of Federal Agency for Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare Supervision

д.б.н., проф., рук. гр. гибридом лаб. микробиологии холеры 117/40, Maksima Gorkogo Str., Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation, 344002

O. F Kretenchuk

Rostov-on-Don Institute for Plague Control of Federal Agency for Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare Supervision

к.б.с., н.с. гр. гибридом лаб. микробиологии холеры 117/40, Maksima Gorkogo Str., Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation, 344002

V. D Kruglikov

Rostov-on-Don Institute for Plague Control of Federal Agency for Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare Supervision

к.м.н., зав. лаб. микробиологии халеры 117/40, Maksima Gorkogo Str., Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation, 344002

I. V Arkhangelskaya

Rostov-on-Don Institute for Plague Control of Federal Agency for Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare Supervision

н.с. лаб. микробиологии холеры. 117/40, Maksima Gorkogo Str., Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation, 344002

O. S Bursha

Rostov-on-Don Institute for Plague Control of Federal Agency for Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare Supervision

науч. сотр. гр. гибридом лаб. микробиологии, к.м.н., зав. лаб. микробиологии холеры 117/40, Maksima Gorkogo Str., Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation, 344002


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