Clinical and epidemiological features of the disease caused by the Ebola virus, at the present stage: pathogenetic basis of therapy

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Ebola virus disease (EVD), formerly known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever is severe acute infectious diseases accompanied by the development of severe systemic inflammatory response followed by the addition of disseminated intravascular coagulation and multiple organ failure. Since 1976 in Africa regularly observed disease outbreaks among humans caused by different types of Ebola virus. Modern epidemic in West Africa began in Guinea in February 2014 and is still going on, coming out of the country and distributed in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) on December 14, 2014 recorded 18,603 cases of them confirmed EVD 11807, fatal 6915. From July 2014 to currently registered sporadic cases EVD among health care workers caring for patients, as well as among tourists returning from countries affected by the epidemic is already outside of West Africa. Due to the limited use of specific antiviral therapy with special attention to the management ofpatients with EVD should be paid to the intensive and timely pathogenetic therapy. Today, the only way to reduce morbidity and mortality among people from EVD is awareness on the risk factors of infection and the use ofpersonal protective measures.

About the authors

O. I Kiselev

Research Institute of Influenza

акад. РАН, проф., директор ФГБУ «НИИ гриппа» Минздрава России 15/17, Professira Popova Str., Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, 197376

L. M Tsybalova

Research Institute of Influenza

доктор мед. наук, зам. директора по научной работе 15/17, Professira Popova Str., Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, 197376

E. G Deeva

Research Institute of Influenza

канд. мед. наук, гл. врач специализированной клиники вирусных инфекций 15/17, Professira Popova Str., Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, 197376

V. V Tsvetkov

Research Institute of Influenza

аспирант, науч. сотр. 15/17, Professira Popova Str., Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, 197376

G. S Golobokov

Research Institute of Influenza

науч. сотр. 15/17, Professira Popova Str., Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, 197376

I. I Tokin

Research Institute of Influenza

канд. мед. наук, зав. отд-нием экспериментальной терапии вирусных гепатитов 15/17, Professira Popova Str., Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, 197376

T. V Sologub

Research Institute of Influenza

доктор мед. наук, проф. зам. директора по научной и клинической работе 15/17, Professira Popova Str., Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, 197376


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