Social aspects of mortality from chronic viral hepatitides in rural and urban populations of the Altai territory

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In the rural population, died people were revealed more often to be of working age, the diagnosis to them statistically significantly more often was established after the death by the doctor, just has attested the death, and by the doctor-pathologist. By comparing the results obtained with the incidence rate, we came to the conclusion that in the rural population there is decreased the quality of diagnosis of chronic viral hepatitides, that leads to the upsurge of the hidden sources of infection.

About the authors

I. P Saldan

The Office of the Federal Service of Customers’ Rights Protection and Human Well-Being Surveillance in the Altai Krai

руководитель Управления Роспотребнадзора по Алтайскому краю, д-р мед. наук 28, Gorkogo Str., Barnaul, Russian Federation, 656056

A. P Pashkov

Altai State Medical University

преподаватель каф. гигиены и основ экологии человека ГБОУ ВПО АГМУ Минздрава России 40, Lenina avenue, Barnaul, Russian Federation, 656038


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