Study of prevalence of chlamydial infection and other STIs in youth in the Kursk Region on results of the regional dedicated programme

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Young people are at high risk for STIs. Along with this, for youth there is typical a low level of knowledge about STIs and prevention of infection. Therefore, an important element of prevention is the informing young people about STIs and their implications for reproductive health. The purpose of the study - to evaluate the prevalence of STIs among young people, who voluntarily turned in a perinatal center for examination after the outreach. A high prevalence of STIs among youth Kursk region was established as in the group with complaints and in cases without them. The first place in the structure of STI is occupied by chlamydial infection (77.5%). The creation and work of centers for the prevention of STIs among young people is a key mechanism in the prevention of disorders of the reproductive function in adolescents.

About the authors

N. S Anisimova

Central Research Institute for Epidemiology

врач-эпидемиолог, аспирант

I. Yu Leonova

Regional Perinatal Centre

врач лаборант клинико-диагностической лаборатории Kursk

L. A Bredikhina

Regional Perinatal Centre

врач лаборант клинико-диагностической лаборатории Kursk

L. V Knyaz'kova

Regional Perinatal Centre

врач акушер-гинеколог Центра планирования семьи Kursk

N. I. Starodubova

Regional Perinatal Centre

зав. Центром планирования семьи Kursk

A. E Gushchin

Central Research Institute for Epidemiology

канд. биол. наук, зав. лаб. молекулярной диагностики и эпидемиологии инфекций органов репродукции


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