Monitoring for incidence of Yersiniosis and environmental contamination by these pathogens in the Tyumen region. Report 1. Regularities of the epidemic process of Yersinioses iersiniozov in the Tyumen region

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There was established the stabilization of the incidence of these infections in the long-term dynamics, that is caused by constant actingfactors. There are determined risk territories (Tyumen, one rural forest-steppe district and three rural districts of southern boreal forest), risk groups: children aged 3-6 and 7-14 years for Yersiniosis enterocolitica and Yersiniosis pseudotuberculosis and children 3-6 of years for Yersiniosis enterocolitica, risk time: January June for pseudotuberculosis and for January, March, May, June, August, October for Yersiniosis enterocolitica. The intensity of contamination of vegetables and fruits by Yersinia-bacterias on months correlates with incidence of these infections (average, moderate relationship; r = 0,57 ± 0,19). To control the epidemic process of Yersinioses there is reasonable the improvement of the system of epidemiological surveillance and elaboration of the program of interrelationship and interaction between involved bodies and institutions of The Federal Service on Customers' Rights Protection and Human Well-being Surveillance, State Agricultural Committee and the educational sphere.

About the authors

V. V. Mefodev

Tyumen State Medical Academy

доктор мед. наук, проф., проф. каф. медико-профилактического отдела ФПК и ППС

K. G. Perminova

Department of The Federal Service on Customers' Rights Protection and Human Well-being Surveillance of the Tyumen region

заочный аспирант каф. медико-профилактического дела ФПК и ППС

O. A. Dubinina

Department of The Federal Service on Customers' Rights Protection and Human Well-being Surveillance of the Tyumen region

зав. эпидемиологическим отделом


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