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The attitude of medical personnel, including the senior students of the medical Institute, to the problem of chronic viral hepatitis B and C. In the article the data of the sociological research performed among the medical personnel of various medical institutions of Ivanovo, and also students of V and VI courses of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "The Ivanovo state medical academy" of Ministry of Health of Russia, to determine a position of medical workers on a problem of communication of chronic virus hepatitises (VH) B and C are presented. It became clear that the majority of health care workers have to provide care to VH patients in the conditions of shortage of knowledge and ignoring of necessary means of protection, and 18,5% of medical workers have a negative attitude to the VH patients, restricting them in necessary parenteral manipulations.

About the authors

O. V Dudnik

Federal State budgetary Institution of Higher professional education Ivanovo State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health Care and Social Development

аспирант каф. инфекционных болезней, эпидемиологии, военной эпидемиологии и дерматовенерологии 8, Pr. Fr. Engel’sa, Ivanovo, Russian Federation, 153012

S. N Orlova

Federal State budgetary Institution of Higher professional education Ivanovo State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health Care and Social Development

д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. каф. инфекционных болезней, эпидемиологии, военной эпидемиологии и дерматовенерологии 8, Pr. Fr. Engel’sa, Ivanovo, Russian Federation, 153012

L. P Fedorovykh

Federal State budgetary Institution of Higher professional education Ivanovo State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health Care and Social Development

канд. мед. наук, доцент каф. инфекционных болезней, эпидемиологии, военной эпидемиологии и дерматовенерологии 8, Pr. Fr. Engel’sa, Ivanovo, Russian Federation, 153012


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