Live influenza vaccine for children and adults: transmissibility in in vivo experiments

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erson-to-person transmission plays a key role in the spread of seasonal and pandemic strains. To unveil the mechanisms underlying the transmissibility will be able to more effectively control influenza and search for new ways and methods of its prevention. Today vaccination is the most effective method for influenza prophylaxis. Therefore whether live influenza vaccine strains can spread in the population through their further reassortment with circulating viruses is extremely important. This investigation on a model of guinea pigs has studied whether wild-type and cold-adapted influenza viruses can be transmitted to uninfected animals. Influenza H5N1 virus is shown to be a highly transmissible agent to not only contact animals, but also to those which are a considerable distance from them. There is evidence that there is interference of cold-adapted strains with wild-type viruses, which opens new prospects for the use of live influenza vaccine in the pandemic situation and confirms that it is groundless to fear (be concerned) about that mass vaccination of population with live attenuated influenza vaccine may lead to the generation of reassortant mutant viruses with higher pathogenicity level.

About the authors

Irina Anatol'evna Dubrovina

НИИ экспериментальной медицины СЗО РАМН

мл. науч. сотр., отд. вирусологии им. акад. А. А. Смородинцева; НИИ экспериментальной медицины СЗО РАМН

Ekaterina Andreevna Bazhenova

НИИ экспериментальной медицины СЗО РАМН

мл. науч. сотр., отд. вирусологии им. акад. А. А. Смородинцева; НИИ экспериментальной медицины СЗО РАМН

Irina Vasil'evna Kiseleva

НИИ экспериментальной медицины СЗО РАМН

рук. лаб., д-р биол. наук, отд. вирусологии им. акад. А. А. Смородинцева; НИИ экспериментальной медицины СЗО РАМН

Zh A Berdygulova

НИИ экспериментальной медицины СЗО РАМН

студент-магистр, отд. вирусологии им. акад. А. А. Смородинцева; НИИ экспериментальной медицины СЗО РАМН

Natal'ya Valentinovna Larionova

НИИ экспериментальной медицины СЗО РАМН

вед. науч. сотр., канд. биол. наук, отд. вирусологии им. акад. А. А. Смородинцева; НИИ экспериментальной медицины СЗО РАМН

Larisa Georgievna Rudenko

НИИ экспериментальной медицины СЗО РАМН

рук. отд., д-р мед. наук, проф., отдел вирусологии им. акад. А. А. Смородинцева; НИИ экспериментальной медицины СЗО РАМН

I A Dubrovina

Research Institute of Experimental Medicine, North-Western Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of Experimental Medicine, North-Western Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

E A Bazhenova

Research Institute of Experimental Medicine, North-Western Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of Experimental Medicine, North-Western Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

I V Kiseleva

Research Institute of Experimental Medicine, North-Western Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of Experimental Medicine, North-Western Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Zh A Berdygulova

Research Institute of Experimental Medicine, North-Western Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of Experimental Medicine, North-Western Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

N V Larionova

Research Institute of Experimental Medicine, North-Western Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of Experimental Medicine, North-Western Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

L G Rudenko

Research Institute of Experimental Medicine, North-Western Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of Experimental Medicine, North-Western Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences


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