The production and properties of cholera Inaba-specific monoclonal antibodies

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Fusion of hyperimmune mouse splenocytes and NSO myeloma cells gave rise to a kit of hybridomas producing monoclonal antibodies (MAb) specific to Vibrio cholerae O1 serovar Inaba. The study of the properties of MAb showed that the latter of hybridomas A5 and E9 belonging to IgG and IgM, respectively, met the diagnostic requirements. The MAb preparations precipitated from hybridoma culture fluids may be used to identify only Vibrio cholerae O1 serovar Inaba in the slide agglutination and indirect immunofluorescence tests and dot immunoassay. The immunoblotting data suggest that Inaba-specific MAbs are directed towards the epitopes located in the polysaccharide chain of the polysaccharide from Vibrio Inaba. The resultant MAbs may be themselves used in serological tests for cholera and employed to design novel more perfect, diagnostic agents.

About the authors

Lyudmila Pavlovna Alekseeva

ФГУЗ Научно-исследовательский противочумный институт Роспотребнадзора, Ростов-на-Дону

д-р биол. наук, проф., рук. группы гибридом; ФГУЗ Научно-исследовательский противочумный институт Роспотребнадзора, Ростов-на-Дону

V D Kruglikov

ФГУЗ Научно-исследовательский противочумный институт Роспотребнадзора, Ростов-на-Дону

ФГУЗ Научно-исследовательский противочумный институт Роспотребнадзора, Ростов-на-Дону

Yu M Lomov

ФГУЗ Научно-исследовательский противочумный институт Роспотребнадзора, Ростов-на-Дону

ФГУЗ Научно-исследовательский противочумный институт Роспотребнадзора, Ростов-на-Дону

V V Evdokimova

ФГУЗ Научно-исследовательский противочумный институт Роспотребнадзора, Ростов-на-Дону

ФГУЗ Научно-исследовательский противочумный институт Роспотребнадзора, Ростов-на-Дону

O F Fateeva

ФГУЗ Научно-исследовательский противочумный институт Роспотребнадзора, Ростов-на-Дону

ФГУЗ Научно-исследовательский противочумный институт Роспотребнадзора, Ростов-на-Дону

M E Yagovkin

ФГУЗ Научно-исследовательский противочумный институт Роспотребнадзора, Ростов-на-Дону

ФГУЗ Научно-исследовательский противочумный институт Роспотребнадзора, Ростов-на-Дону

L P Alekseyeva

Anti-Plague Research Institute, Russian Inspectorate for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare, Rostov-on-Don

Anti-Plague Research Institute, Russian Inspectorate for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare, Rostov-on-Don

V D Kruglikov

Anti-Plague Research Institute, Russian Inspectorate for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare, Rostov-on-Don

Anti-Plague Research Institute, Russian Inspectorate for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare, Rostov-on-Don

Yu M Lomov

Anti-Plague Research Institute, Russian Inspectorate for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare, Rostov-on-Don

Anti-Plague Research Institute, Russian Inspectorate for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare, Rostov-on-Don

V V Evdokimova

Anti-Plague Research Institute, Russian Inspectorate for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare, Rostov-on-Don

Anti-Plague Research Institute, Russian Inspectorate for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare, Rostov-on-Don

O F Fateyeva

Anti-Plague Research Institute, Russian Inspectorate for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare, Rostov-on-Don

Anti-Plague Research Institute, Russian Inspectorate for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare, Rostov-on-Don

M E Yagovkin

Anti-Plague Research Institute, Russian Inspectorate for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare, Rostov-on-Don

Anti-Plague Research Institute, Russian Inspectorate for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare, Rostov-on-Don


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