Evaluation of the effectiveness and safety of chemoprophylaxis for vertical HIV transmission, by using the regimens of monotherapy and highly active antiretroviral therapy

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The study including 69 pregnant women diagnosed as having HIV infection who received chemoprophylaxis for vertical HIV infection evaluated the effectiveness and safety of the regimens of monotherapy and highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) used during pregnancy. There was a significant reduction in the levels of HIV RNA and an increase in the CD4 lymphocyte count in the patients receiving both chemoprophylaxis regimens. The efficiency of HAART regimens to prevent vertical HIV transmission was significantly higher than that of monoprophylaxis. The use of antiretroviral drugs was safe as monotherapy and in the HAART regimens during pregnancy.

About the authors

D S Konnov

Federal Research and Methodological Center for AIDS Prevention and Control, Moscow

Email: kodanila@yandex.ru
Federal Research and Methodological Center for AIDS Prevention and Control, Moscow

M D Goliusova

Federal Research and Methodological Center for AIDS Prevention and Control, Moscow

Federal Research and Methodological Center for AIDS Prevention and Control, Moscow

V V Konnov

Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Russian Inspectorate for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare

Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Russian Inspectorate for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare

N V Kozyrina

Federal Research and Methodological Center for AIDS Prevention and Control, Moscow

Federal Research and Methodological Center for AIDS Prevention and Control, Moscow

N N Ladnaya

Federal Research and Methodological Center for AIDS Prevention and Control, Moscow

Federal Research and Methodological Center for AIDS Prevention and Control, Moscow

O G Yurin

Federal Research and Methodological Center for AIDS Prevention and Control, Moscow

Federal Research and Methodological Center for AIDS Prevention and Control, Moscow


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